Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Looking Good For The Week Ahead!

Can't believe we've made it 5 days without any dramas, depression or poor health - hopefully this is a sign of things to come. We're still sticking to the healthy eating and carefully selected supplements and I really believe that is why we're doing so well.

I'm making another sausage casserole with mustard mash today. I offered the family the choice of that or chicken stew and dumplings but they chose the casserole AGAIN! And still non the wiser it's vegan haha. To be honest, we very rarely eat red meat. Our diet consists of a lot of seasonal veggies, chicken, fish and meat substitutes. I'm not so keen on Quorn but love the Linda Macartney range (not the ready made stuff so much). I try to cook at least 2-3 vegetarian or vegan meals a week as I feel my family is a lot healthier that way. With two young children who can be picky at times, it helps that I worked as a chef - plenty of tricks up these sleeves!!

My partner got a phonecall just after lunch today from one of the recruitment agencies he's subscribed to. They told him a company was interested in him interviewing for a current vacancy with immediate start for the sucessful candidate. It's a few hours commute each way but the pay is good (£17 p/h) and when you've been out of work a year you can't afford to be choosy. Fingers crossed he gets this job, it will bosst his self esteem no end.

He was telling me the other day how he's constantly battling his feelings. He's feeling pangs of guilt for not being depressed anymore - he thinks he should feel bad that he's out of work, not able to help out financially etc and struggling with the Hep. He knows it sounds ridiculous to think like that but can't help feeling like he's doing something bad by being happy. I can totally understand where he's coming from. But like I've told him, we're managing financially (just about!) and we don't expect anything from him. Him going back to work isn't so much about having a wage as having self worth, a feeling he's doing something and making a difference where it counts.

And on that note, I'm going to head to the kitchen to rustle up a halthy dinner for my beautiful family.

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